How to remove New Holland gearbox gear

 How to remove New Holland b115 gearbox gear

CNH DPA5 Adapter New Holland Heavy Duty mechanical Diagnostic Tool – full chipsINPUT SHAFT DISASSEMBLY (FRONT
IMPORTANT: When using a bearing puller be very
careful to ensure it does not touch the tip of the gear
teeth as they may become chipped or broken.

1.  Support the shaft vertically (rear support end) in
a soft jawed vice and remove the sealing ring. At￾tach a 3 legged puller (1), to the underside of the
forward primary gear (2) and remove the gear
hub, needle bearings and spacer, thrust washer,
and bearing from the shaft.

NOTE: Prior to removal of the snap ring the wear fac￾tor of the clutch plates should can be checked.
Measure the distance between the face of the top
plate to to underside of retainer, approx. dimensions:
When new Approx. 2.22–4.93mm (0.08–0.19in)
When run in Approx. 5.64–8.35mm (0.22–0.32in)
Anything exceeding or close to 8.35mm should be
considered as worn and replaced with new.

2.  Release the snap ring (1), retaining the clutch
pack drive rings and remove from the clutch
The discs must be flat and not discoloured in any
way, if in doubt renew the discs.

3.  Using a press and tool NH 21 102 (1), compress
the clutch piston spring (2) to enable release of
the circlip (3). Carefully release the press pres￾sure on the spring. Remove the circlip, washer
and spring.


4.  To remove the piston blank off the oil feed holes
that are not required and carefully apply air pressure to the forward clutch oil feed hole (1) in the
middle ring sufficiently to push the piston out
against seal resistance.


5.  The piston seals should be removed and discarded prior to re–assembly.
Inspect all parts for scoring wear marks and or discolouration, replace suspect parts as necessary.

2023 CASE New Holland Electronic Service Tools (CNH EST v9.8) Engineering Diagnostic Software

NOTE: The grove depth on the friction disc when
new is 0.38mm (0.014in) and is acceptable down to
0.10mm (0.004in). However any depth close to or
below 0.10mm (0.004in) when a teardown has taken
place should be considered as worn and replaced
with new.

With the shaft supported vertically (in a soft jawed
vice), re–assembly is in reverse order of disassembly, ensure all metallic parts are liberally coated in
clean transmission oil before fitting.

6.  The internal and external piston seals require replacing, before assembly, soak seals in luke
warm water prior to fitting. Carefully refit the inner
‘O’– ring and then the gland seal. The outer ‘O’–
ring can now be fitted along with the outer gland

7. Lubricate the piston seal and carefully place the
piston back into the clutch housing until fully
seated. Re–assemble the piston spring, washer
and compress using tool no #380000679 suffi￾ciently to allow refitting of the circlip and place the
thrust washer in position.

IMPORTANT: Soak new clutch friction discs in clean
new oil for a minimum of 3 hours

8. Continue to refit the clutch discs (6 thin steel with
1 thick retaining plate) and (6 friction plates) back
into the hub, steel first, followed by friction and
then repeat steel, friction. The final steel plate to
be fitted is the thicker retaining plate that the
snap ring seats onto. Refit the snap ring into the
groove of the clutch hub.

9. Once the gear is assembled into the clutch plates
the needle bearings and spacer can be as￾sembled into the bore of the gear without remov￾ing it from the clutch drum.



10. Place the thrust bearing (1) on the gear face with
the thrust washer and refit the bearing using a
press and tool #380000712 (2).

11. With the bearing (1) fully seated ensure a free￾play of at least 0.0508–0.40mm (0.002–0.016in)
exists between the thrust washer and gear (2).

12. Fit a new sealing ring onto the shaft above the
bearing (1).

13. Support the shaft vertically (front support end) in
a soft jawed vice and remove the sealing rings
(1). Attach puller (2) to the underside of the bear￾ing (3) and remove. Remove the circlip which al￾lows the removal of the thrust washer, thrust
bearing, gear/hub, needle bearings with spacer.

New Holland AG & CE Service Manuals PDF 2019 Download (170GB)
14. Release the snap ring (1) retaining the clutch

pack drive discs and remove from the clutch

15. Using a press and tool # 380000679 compress
the clutch piston spring to enable release of the
circlip. Carefully release the press pressure on
the spring. Remove the circlip, washer and