Inspection and Adjustment of Kubota Engine Pressure, Top Clearance, and Valve Clearance

Inspection and Adjustment of  Kubota BX25, RCK54(P)-23BX, RCK60B-23BX, LA240, Engine Pressure, Top Clearance, and Valve Clearance

2022 Kubota Takeuchi DiagMaster Level 6 20.11.01 Installation Service

Compression Pressure(by Glow Plug Hole Adaptor Setting)
1. Run the engine until it is warmed up.
2. Stop the engine.
3. Remove the air cleaner, the muffler, the breather tube, the head cover and all glow plugs.
4. Set a compression tester(Code No.07909-30208) with the adaptor(Adaptor L, code No.07909-31301) to the glow plug hole.
5. After making sure that the stop lever is set at the stop position
(non-injection), run the engine with the starter and measure the compression pressure.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each cylinder.
7. If the measurement is below the allowable limit, apply a small amount of oil to the cylinder wall through the glow plug hole(or nozzle hole) and measure the compression pressure again.
8. If the compression pressure is still less than the allowable limit, check the top clearance, valve clearance and cylinder head.
9. If the compression pressure increases after applying oil, check the cylinder wall and piston rings.
· Check the compression pressure with the specified valve clearance.
· Always use a fully charged battery for performing this test.
· Variances in cylinder compression values should be under

06.2021Kubota EPC PAD KDG+LinkOne EPC 2003 2 in 1

Top Clearance
1. Remove the cylinder head.(Do not attempt to remove the cylinder head gasket.)
2. Move the piston up and stick a strip of fuse [1.5 mm dia.(0.059
in. dia.),5 to 7 mm long (0.197 to 0.276 in. long)] on the piston head at three positions with grease so as to avoid the intake and exhaust valves and the combustion chamber ports.
3. Lower the piston, and install the cylinder head and tighten the cylinder head screws to the specified torque.
4. Turn the flywheel until the piston exceeds top dead center.
5. Remove the cylinder head, and measure the thickness of the squeezed fuses.
6. If the measurement is not within the factory specifications, check the oil clearance between the crankpin and crankpin bearing and between the piston pin and small end bushing.
· After checking the top clearance, be sure to assemble the cylinder head with a new cylinder head gasket.


Checking Valve Clearance


· Valve clearance must be checked and adjusted when engine is cold.
1. Remove the cylinder head cover and the glow plugs.
2. Align the”1TC”mark(1) on the flywheel and alignment mark(2)
on the rear end plate so that the No.1 piston comes to the compression top dead center.
3. Check the following valve clearance marked with “*”using a feeler gauge.
4. If the clearance is not within the factory specifications, adjust with the adjusting screw.
5. Then turm the flywheel 6.28 rad(360”), and align the “1TC”mark
(1) on the flywheel and alignment mark (3) on the rear end plate so that the No.1 piston comes to the overlap position.
6. Check the following valve clearance marked with “*”using a feeler gauge.
7. If the clearance is not within the factory specifications, adjust with the adjusting screw.

Kubota Takeuchi DiagMaster License KG Authorization Level 6 ECM Programming

· The sequence of cylinder numbers is given as No.1, No.2
and No.3 starting from the gear case side.
· After adjusting the valve clearance, secure the adjusting screw with the lock nut.
(1)”1TC”MarkA: Gear Case Side
(2) Alignment Mark